about us
Stay on top of the game
We are a consultancy company founded in 2017. We offer help to all enterprises wanting to stay relevant in the modern day. The two cofounders have a background in financial services and industrial engineering.
We focus on creating websites, mobile applications and online SEO/advertising.
Developing websites
We either build websites the ‘classic’ way using HTML/JS/CSS/Bootstrap/etc or we use a modern approach with Node JS and React or Angular. This website is built using a third approach: making use of WordPress!
Developing apps
We prefer developing apps natively in Android/iOS, but for smaller scoped projects we also have quite extensive knowledge of React Native in order to maintain a single codebase for all platforms.
We are trained in Google marketing techniques to help your enterprise gain visibility in the digital world. Wether you want to set up online advertising campaign or need help with SEO, we are here for you.
A day without having learned is a lost day
Some of our projects
We developed a full featured professional website that uses affiliate marketing to support the good cause. Click the image above to check out the website!

We developed a number of apps allowing users to listen to digital radio. This is done natively in Android, an iOS version is in development and will be released in the coming months! You can already search the Play Store for El Salvador Radios by Viverit!

We are developed a card game natively in Android that allows up to 10 players to go questing for the dragon! When finished, the game can be played against the computer, with friends over Bluetooth or online!